RCSD Family Services
There are times when a parent or guardian has an issue or concern. When that happens, we want to give families a clear method for communicating those concerns. The District has clear steps caregivers can take for most school-related issues. It is our hope that outlining this support will help prevent frustration when contacting the District. | Learn more
Family Newsletters
Essential Services
Office of Parent Engagement | 324-9999 | parentcenter@rcsdk12.org
Student Enrollment and Registration | 585-262-8241 | placement@rcsdk12.org
Student Records | 585-262-8523 | records@rcsdk12.org
Transportation | 585-336-4000 | transportation@rcsdk12.org
Attendance Hotline | 585-262-8105 | attendance@rcsdk12.org
Food Services | 585-336-4100 | sfs@rcsdk12.org | View MenusEmergency Response Guide for Families >
Learn more about what measures schools take to keep students safe
RCSD Parent Handbook >
This guide contains helpful information about district services for families.
Manual de información para padres >
Esta guía contiene información útil sobre los servicios del distrito para las familias.
PowerSchool Parent Portal Access >
Schedules, grades, attendance, and more - right on your computer or mobile device.
Technology Support >
Guides and Support for District Devices for Students and Families
Report an Incident of Bullying or Harassment at your School >
Connect with dedicated staff that assist students and parents with navigating issues at your schoolIf a parent or student needs support with a technology concern, please contact your child's school. You may also contact your school if you need: a change in your contact information (address, phone number, email), a copy of a report card, verification of enrollment or attendance, or have retention / promotion grade issues.
Student Life
- Breakfast and Lunch Menus
- Busing and Transportation
- Records and Transcripts
- Code of Conduct
- Course Description Catalog
- Family Literacy Guide
- School Counseling
- Student Records
- Student Attendance
- Student Health Services
- K-12 ELA/Math Common Core
- Student Summit on Race
- Library (School Library System)
- Work Permits
Parent Resources
- Emergency Response Guide for Families
- Office of Parent Engagement
- Parent University
- Parent Groups
- Documents and Policies
- Family Literacy Guide
- Guía de Alfabetización Familiar
- OACES Adult Learning Programs
- Federal and State Programs
- Military / Active Duty Survey
- Internet Safety Guide for Families
- Contact the Office of Parent Engagement