Parent Portal Account Creation and Access

    1. Create an account online.
      You will need to create an account using a web browser, such as Google Chrome or Firefox. There is no way to create an account through the PowerSchool Mobile app on a mobile device.


      Next, choose Create Account on the right to begin account creation. You will need to enter your email address and create a username and password. In addition, some security questions will need to be established to protect your account.

      Remember to write down your username and password. You will need it to log in every time you access the PowerSchool Parent Portal.

    2. Enter your student(s) access ID and password.
      Next, you will enter your student's information under Link Students to Account. You will need the Access ID and Access Password for each child.

      Please note that each student has a unique Access ID and Access Password associated with them. If you have custody of multiple children in the RCSD, each student's Access ID and Access Password will be sent in a separate letter/email. Additional students may be added to your PowerSchool account, so you do not have to create separate accounts for each.  

    3. Download the app and login.
      After these steps are completed, you can download the PowerSchool Mobile app via the Apple App Store or Google Play, depending on your mobile device. Once you download the app, you will need to enter the District code: FPCQ

    PowerSchool Mobile for Android  Download PowerSchool Mobile for Iphone

    If you need additional help creating your PowerSchool account or obtaining your child's unique access ID and password, please contact your child's school.