RCSD Public Data Dashboard

Dashboard Descriptions

  • Enrollment
    Enrollment counts are downloaded from the New York State Education Department's Student Information Repository System (SIRS). Enrollment counts are available for various demographic groups for public schools. Enrollment counts are as of Basic Educational Data System (BEDS) day, which is typically the first Wednesday of October of the school year.

    Assessments displayed here include the NYS Grades 3-8 English Language Arts and Mathematics Exams, the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test, High School Regents exams in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies, and iReady Diagnostic tests for Grades 

    Attendance & Suspensions
    Attendance and suspension pages display the historical data summaries of chronic absenteeism rate, average daily attendance, and unduplicated suspension rates. Data is pulled from PowerSchool Student Management System at the end of a school year.

    School Climate
    The District’s school climate survey is adapted from the validated School Climate Survey from the U.S. Department of Education. Data displayed here include student responses to the survey questions regarding engagement, safety, and environment. Students in Grades 5-12 across the district participated in the school climate survey anonymously on a voluntary basis.