RCSD Response to Distinguished Educator’s Report

  • In November 2018, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) released a report by Distinguished Educator Dr. Jaime Aquino, which details 84 recommendations to support and advance District improvements for the Board of Education and District to provide equitable access to high-quality education for all students.

    On February 8, 2019, the Rochester City School District submitted its response to NYSED that outlines a multi-year action plan to address the needs of the District. Co-constructed by the Board of Education, Superintendent, Executive Cabinet, and other integral members of the organization, this plan includes a line-by-line review of the Distinguished Educator’s recommendations and incorporates feedback from stakeholders. The District’s response is structured so that each recommendation has corresponding action steps. Each action step lists the person(s) responsible, the collaborators and resources needed, and the start and end date for the entire recommendation. The implementation of this plan will require commitment, engagement, and diligence from all members of the organization, including parents and community members.

    We remain steadfast in our commitment to give all Rochester students the educational opportunities they deserve to succeed.

    Read the District’s response now.