85 Adams Street
Rochester, New York 14608
(585) 454-3525
Principal Uma Mehta
Assistant Principal Steven Soprano
Assistant Principal Abraham Steiner
Early College Coordinator Kara Stadt
Board Liaison Camille Simmons
School Chief Donna Lucy-Lender
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM SEPAC Special Education Advisory Council Meeting
Rochester Early College International High School is the only High School in the Rochester City School District that offers an Early College Program. We honor our partnership with Monroe Community College which allows our scholars to take college courses at the MCC campus while they are still in school. Here are some features about our school:
Early college is an educational transformation model that was developed and implemented by Jobs for the Future and our national partners, with funding from the Gates Foundation in 2002. Early colleges are high schools that bring college into high school. They expose all students to college coursework, preparing them for college and careers and reducing time and cost toward postsecondary degrees.
If you would like to learn more about our school, please call us at 324-9010.
Address School Campus: 85 Adams St.,
MCC Campus: 321 State St., Rochester, NY 14608
Phone (585) 454-3525