Leadership Profile
The Rochester Board of Education, in collaboration with executive search firm Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates (HYA), will discuss and vote on the Leadership Profile for its upcoming superintendent search. This profile, developed through extensive community engagement, highlights the desired qualities, priorities, and strategic vision for the district’s next leader.
The leadership profile below reflects insights from a wide range of stakeholders, including teachers, parents, students, administrators, and community members. Through interviews, focus groups, and surveys, the Board of Education gathered valuable feedback to shape a vision of the qualities essential for the District’s next superintendent.
The community is invited to watch the discussion which will take place at the Board of Education meeting on November 21st at 6:30 p.m.View and Download the Draft Leadership Profile
November 13, 2024
Apply for the position of Superintendent
Interested applicants for the permanent position of Superintendent for the Rochester City School District can apply through the Rochester Board of Education's search firm, Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates. All applicants must complete an application and provide other documents for consideration for employment. | Apply now
Application Deadline
Letters of application and other required materials must be received by Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates no later than December 15, 2024. The Board expects to finalize the search by March 2025.
Community Survey
In a community survey during the fall of 2024, the Rochester Board of Education sought input on the hiring of a new superintendent. This survey was designed to gather your perceptions of our District and the importance of various characteristics found in effective superintendents. The survey was available in many languages, including the top five spoken in our school communities.
Information that was shared will be used to determine the desired characteristics of the next superintendent. The survey was administered by Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates, which ensured that individual responses were kept anonymous and confidential.
Stakeholder Focus Groups
The District’s search firm, HYA, conducted focus groups to provide the Board with insight from stakeholders regarding the strengths of the District, the challenges that need to be addressed, and the desired leadership attributes for the next RCSD superintendent. Together, the survey, focus group information, and District data provide valuable information for the development of the Leadership Profile for recruitment and Board selection. In October 2024, focus group opportunities were available both in-person and virtually for RCSD stakeholders.
Contact us
Thank you to all RCSD stakeholders who took the time to share their thoughts. To obtain more information about the search process or feedback opportunities, please contact HYA at hyasearch.com/contact/.