Research and Evaluation

  • Research & Evaluation responds to ad hoc requests for analysis, evaluation, and presentation of data. Research & Evaluation is also responsible for additional routine activities, such as analysis of New York State Assessment data, Contract for Excellence programs, initiatives, partnerships, interventions, and grants.

    Research & Evaluation assists in the preparation of program evaluations for inclusion in the Program Based Budgeting section of the annual Budget each spring. We also create specific individualized PowerPoint presentations for the Superintendent to summarize the results of mandatory assessments.

    Research & Evaluation reviews all internal and external data and survey requests. Committee review occurs for all external research requests. Support is provided in developing surveys, constructing evaluation designs, establishing objectives, and defining metrics to assess attainment of objectives. Guidance for interpreting data reports and evaluations is accomplished through individual conferences, special audience presentations, and professional development. Emphasis is placed on integrating summative and formative assessments to individualize goals and strategies for students, utilizing growth and value-added models.

    Through encouraging the inclusion of in-depth data analysis and understandings, Research & Evaluation is an ombudsman for data-supported decisions. 

Conducting Research and Survey Studies