• Rochester Schools Modernization Program
    Rochester City
    School District


    of Rochester

    The RSMP ...
    The Rochester Schools Modernization Program is a multi-phase capital initiative of the
    City School District in partnership with the City of Rochester.
    Charged with overseeing the Program is the Rochester Joint Schools Construction Board. The RJSCB includes seven members: Three are appointed by the Superintendent of Schools; three are appointed by the Mayor of the City of Rochester; and the seventh is appointed by mutual agreement by the Superintendent and Mayor. Click on the file below to view the Cooperative Agreement among the City, the District, and the RJSCB regarding the Program. 
    Phase 1 
    Planning for Phase I, which was authorized by the State of New York, is expected to total up to $325 million in bonded projects. The RJSCB, on January 31, 2011, voted to send the Draft Comprehensive School Facilities Modernization Plan, Phase I, to Albany for review by the State. The plan is a concept draft for initial review by NYS. Plans for individual buildings will be refined during the final design process with the input of the Building Advisory Committees for each building. 
    The Phase I Comprehensive School Facilities Modernization Plan is over 300 pages with images, charts, and other large format files. The document has been broken up into 5 parts for faster downloading. Please click on the links below to download each of the 5 parts.
    Part One          Part Two          Part Three          Part Four          Part Five              
    Phase 2 

    New York State has authorized up to $435 million to renovate Rochester Schools from 2016 to 2021 during Phase 2 of the Facilities Modernization Plan. On April 25, 2016 the RJSCB voted to send the Comprehensive Master Plan for Phase 2 to the State Education Department and to the New York State Comptroller for review and approval. These documents provide a comprehensive overview of the Phase 2 plan.


    Volume 1: Strategic Plan Summary
    An overview of the District’s facility needs and the 13 schools recommended for renovation during Phase 2, with project descriptions and anticipated costs. Approved by the Rochester Board of Education on March 24, 2016, and the Rochester Joint Schools Construction Board on April 4, 2016.


    Volume 2: Financial Plan
    A detailed analysis of plans for working with State, County and City government to provide cost-effective financing for projects during Phase 2. Approved by the Rochester Joint Schools Construction Board on April 25, 2016, and the Rochester Board of Education on April 28, 2016.


    Volume 3: Diversity Plan
    A description of the steps that will be taken by the RJSCB to ensure that minority-owned, women‐owned, and disadvantaged business enterprises and minority and women members of the workforce are given the opportunity to participate in the performance of the contracts awarded. Approved by the Rochester Joint Schools Construction Board on April 25, 2016.


    Volume 4: Supplementary Appendix
    Facility drawings, condition surveys, enrollment analyses and other detail related to Phase 2.


    Annual Reports

    The Rochester Joint Schools Construction Board's Annual Report for the Fiscal Year 2011-12 is available by clicking here
    The Rochester Joint Schools Construction Board's Annual Report for the Fiscal Year 2012-13 is available by clicking here
    The Rochester Joint Schools Construction Board's Annual Report for the Fiscal Year 2013-14 is available by clicking here
    The Rochester Joint Schools Construction Board's Annual Report for the Fiscal Year 2014-15 is available by clicking here 
    The Rochester Joint Schools Construction Board's Annual Report for the Fiscal Year 2015-16 is available by clicking here 
    The Rochester Joint Schools Construction Board's Annual Report for the Fiscal Year 2016-17 is available by clicking here  
    The Rochester Joint Schools Construction Board's Annual Report for the Fiscal Year 2017-18 is available by clicking here 
    The Rochester Joint Schools Construction Board's Annual Report for the Fiscal Year 2018-19 is available by clicking here
    The Rochester Joint Schools Construction Board's Annual Report for the Fiscal Year 2019-20 is available by clicking here
    The Rochester Joint Schools Construction Board's Annual Report for the Fiscal Year 2020-21 is available by clicking here
    The Rochester Joint Schools Construction Board's Annual Report for the Fiscal Year 2021-22 is available by clicking here
    The Rochester Joint Schools Construction Board's Annual Report for the Fiscal Year 2023-24 is available by clicking here

    Phase I State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA)
    The Board determined, following several months of review, that the proposed Rochester Schools Modernization Program would not result in significant adverse environmental impacts. The complete Environmental Assessment Form, Parts 1, 2, and 3, upon which this determination was based, are available for download below. The report has been broken into three parts for easier access, as the report totals more than 350 pages. Click the links below to access the document.
    The Board has amended the original SEQRA report based on the design changes to the first six projects in Phase I. The original Negative Declaration was reaffirmed. See the amended report here
    A second update to the original SEQRA report based on the design changes to the next group of projects in Phase I has been completed. The original Negative Declaration was reaffirmed. See the second amended report here.
    Phase II State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA)
    The complete Environmental Assessment Form, Part 1, is available for download here.
    The list of schools included in Phase 2 has been updated.  The revised Part 1 Environmental Assessment Forms (EAFs) for each school are available for download here

    The Board determined, following several months of review, that the proposed Rochester Schools Modernization Program would not result in significant adverse environmental impacts. The complete Environmental Assessment Form, Parts 1, 2, and 3, upon which this determination was based, are available for download below. The report has been broken into three parts for easier access, as the report totals more than 350 pages. Click the links below to access the document.

    Active Requests for Qualifications / Requests for Pricing / Requests for Bids:   

    There are no active bids at this time.

    Phase I Project Labor Agreement (PLA)
    In the Fall of 2011, the RJSCB hired Seeler Engineering P.C. to perform a PLA Study to evaluate the potential costs/benefits of a PLA for the RSMP. Based on the potential for significant savings outlined in the resulting PLA Study the RJSCB decided to commence negotiations for a PLA with the Rochester Building and Construction Trades Council acting on behalf of the twenty-three craft unions likely to participate in the RSMP Project.
    Click here to view the final PLA Study.
    In February 2012, the RJSCB reached an agreement in principle with the Rochester Building and Construction Trades Council for a Project Labor Agreement. This agreement has been approved by the Building and Construction Trades Department of the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).
    Click here to view the fully executed PLA.
    Phase II Project Labor Agreement (PLA)
    In the Winter of 2016, the RJSCB hired Seeler Engineering P.C. to perform a PLA Study to evaluate the potential costs/benefits of a PLA for Phase 2 of the RSMP. Based on the potential for significant savings outlined in the resulting PLA Study the RJSCB decided to commence negotiations for a PLA with the Rochester Building and Construction Trades Council acting on behalf of the craft unions likely to participate in Phase 2 of the RSMP Project.
    Click here to view the Phase 2 PLA Study. 

     Meetings of the Board are in person and virtual with the Zoom link below and are open to the public.


    Upcoming Meetings   

    Monday, February 10, 2025
    Monthly Meeting, 4:00 p.m. 

                                                                              RJSCB Monthly Meetings Zoom Link

    Members of the Board:
    Thomas Richards, Chair
    Jacob Scott, Vice Chair
    Kim Jones
    Jesse Dudley
    Ronald Gaither
    Kabutey Ocansey
    Shawn Farr


    Click  the links below to see information regarding FOIL Requests