Purpose of Public Hearings

  • The Board of Education shall schedule public hearings in accordance with the law and on occasions when it wishes to gather information and seek opinions on important issues affecting the District. The Board shall take no formal action at a public hearing. Typically, public hearings are noticed to the public at least 10 school days prior to the public hearing, this does not include charter school hearings as they are noticed as received. The time and place of the hearings shall be designated in the notice of the hearing.

    For more information on the purpose and procedures, review the Public Board Hearings (policy 2390) and the Public Board Hearings Procedure (policy 2390-E1).

Types of Public Hearings

Participation in Public Hearings

  • In an effort to ensure transparency and open communication, all Board of Education Public Hearings are available via RCSD’s Facebook, YouTube, and the District’s website at www.rcsdk12.org/meetings, unless otherwise noted. All materials related to meetings will also be accessible on the day of the meeting via the District’s Boarddocs page.

    Anyone wishing to sign up to speak in person or virtually, if applicable, must email publichearing@rcsdk12.org by noon on the day of the hearing and state that they would like to speak. In accordance with policy 2390 and exhibit 2390-E1, the following information must be included: Name, Address, Contact Information and AffiliationNon-residents may speak at public hearings when permission is granted by the Chair. All speakers MUST address the hearing topic. Prior to the meeting, an email will be sent to those persons who will participate virtually.

    Written comments are still accepted and can be submitted by emailing publichearing@rcsdk12.org by noon of the day of the public hearing. Comments will be forwarded to Board Members, posted to Boarddocs, and accepted into the public record; however, these will not be read into the Public Record.

    For more information or assistance, you may call the Board of Education at 585-262-8525 or email publichearing@rcsdk12.org.