Abelard Reynolds School No. 42

Abelard Reynolds School No. 42

School Information

What Every Family Should Know

  • Abelard Reynold School 42 is a school in Good Standing. Our students are able to work in small academic groups to accelerate their learning or get supports needed.  Our arts department provides a variety of opportunities from instrumental band, a musical, set design, stage crew, and art shows and contests.  At School 42, dare to Dream whether big or small, Believe in yourself and you will Achieve ALL!

Program Features

  • Uniforms Required No
    Foreign Languages No
    English Language Learners Yes
    Honors/Enrichment Classes No
    Early Literacy Program Yes
    Chorus Yes
    Band/Orchestra Yes
    Instrumental Music Lessons Yes
    Sports No
    Step Teams No
    Extended/Expanded Day Yes, before school program. 
    Saturday School No
    On-Site After-School Care No
    Summer Programs No
    Business/College/Faith Partnerships SUNY Geneseo, Nazareth College, University of Rochester, Fearless Kidz Clubs, Bethany Presbyterian Church

Unique Features

    • Read to Succeed, a school-wide reading initiative enables students to enjoy reading and continue reading at home for at least 10-30 minutes daily depending upon grade level.
    • Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) provided for Academic intervention and acceleration for students in ELA and Math.
    • Morning meeting built into the start of each day as a way to build community, share celebrations and learn restorative practices.
    • Character development and appropriate student behavior reinforced through the School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports (SWPBS) program.
    • Primary Project, sponsored by The Children’s Institute, available to eligible K-2 students, which promotes positive feelings about school experiences.
    • A partnership with Center for Youth provides social emotional support for all students in grades K-6 with peer mediation, restorative practices and social skills training.
    • Students in Pre-K-6 start each day with First Class Breakfast in the classroom. Healthy Snacks, awarded through the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) USDA Grant, are also available to students in every grade during the school day.
    • Teachers use Class DOJO or the See Saw family App to communicate regularly with parents. Both are available in a mobile app.
    • The 21st Century Grant allows School 42 to offer a before school program for up to 80 students to engage in arts, music, physical activity, enrichment and intervention. There is a showcase at the end of the year.