Henry Hudson School No. 28
School Information
Start Time 9:00 a.m.
Dismissal Time 3:30 p.m.
PreK Hours 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.Grade Level PreK-6450 Humboldt Street, Rochester, NY 14610
Phone (585) 482-4836
Email/Text 28info@rcsdk12.org
Website www.rcsdk12.org/28Principal
Susan Ladd
Assistant Principal
Brenda Harrington
Assistant Principal
Jenny Blase-Schmidt
Parent Contact
Community Site Coordinator
Kwamaine Much
Board Liaison
Camille Simmons
School Chief
Rhonda Morien
DASA Coordinator
Jenny Blase-Schmidt
Henry Hudson School No. 28 is in the Northeast Zone.
This school is currently in Receivership status by the New York State Education Department. For more information about Receivership or to view the school’s improvement measures, please visit https://www.rcsdk12.org/receivership.
What Every Family Should Know
Henry Hudson School #28 is a warm and nurturing school where students work collaboratively with peers as they learn from a knowledgeable and caring staff.
We celebrate successes every month with our STAR assemblies and provide students with a strong character education that combined with an academic focus prepares students for success today and in later years as they become responsible citizens.
With literacy as our focus, we integrate reading and writing into all of the content areas, including math and science. For students in our bilingual program, our focus in literacy is in both English and Spanish leading to true bilingualism as they complete their elementary years at School #28.
We are truly committed to the diverse needs of our students and families that attend Henry Hudson School #28.
Program Features
Foreign Languages Spanish, PreK-6 Bilingual ProgramEnglish Language Learners (ENL) YesEarly Literacy Program YesChorus YesBand YesInstrumental Music Lessons YesExtended/Expanded Day YesSummer Programs District-wide offeringsBusiness/College/Faith Partnerships SUNY at Brockport, SUNY at Geneseo, Nazareth College, St John Fisher College, University of Rochester, Buffalo State, Alfred State, Grandparents/Abuelitas Program, Central Church in Christ, St. Mary’s and Browncroft Community Churches, Parent Teacher Organization, FoodLink
Unique Features
- Community School with onsite coordinator, food pantry and clothing closet for families
- Smilemobile / Eastman Dental partnership for dental support for students
- Focus on literacy, integrating reading and writing into all of the content areas, including math and science.
- Fully bilingual program in PreK-6, supporting students and families in Spanish and in English in all grades.
- Monthly STAR assemblies celebrate student success at school. Student success is also celebrated with parents and families throughout the year.
- Strong character education that teaches students good citizenship.
- Extracurricular activities include school band, annual musical, and instrumental music.
- Supporting students in grades PreK-6 through our onsite autism program