2021-22 Adopted Budget
An overview of the Rochester City School District's adopted 2021-2022 budget. Presented by Superintendent Dr. Lesli Myers-Small to City Council on June 9, 2021.2021-22 Adopted Budget
A presentation of the Superintendent's proposed 2021-2022 budget. Adopted May 10, 2021 by the Board of Education.
Planning Process
Testimony to State Legislature
Presented by Superintendent Lesli Myers-Small before the New York Senate Finance Committee, Assembly Ways and Means Committee, Senate Education Committee, and Assembly Education Committee. Presented January 28, 2021.
Draft Budget
Superintendent's Budget Presentation UPDATED
Dr. Lesli Myers-Small and Chief Financial Officer Carleen Pierce's presentation of an updated draft budget proposal to the Rochester Board of Education. As presented on April 22, 2021.The District administration's first proposed budget and district profile for next school year, presented to the Board of Education on March 23, 2021. This PDF is interactive.2021-22 Budget Supplemental
This document provides supplemental information referenced within the full District budget book.Dr. Lesli Meyers-Small's presentation of the draft budget proposal to the Rochester Board of Education. As presented on March 23, 2021.East EPO Superintendent's Budget Presentation
Dr. Shaun Nelm's presentation of the draft budget proposal for East High School to the Rochester Board of Education. As presented on March 23, 2021.This document provides the glossary and abbrivations of terms in the budget book.
Budget Meetings and Engagements
All budget meetings and engagements will be closed for public attendance until further notice.In an effort to ensure transparency and open communication, all Board of Education meetings will be available via the RCSD’s Facebook, YouTube, and the District’s website at www.rcsdk12.org/rcsdtv. Public comment is welcome for special and regular Board meetings via email at BoardOfEducation@RCSDK12.org. For more information, contact (585) 262-8525.
Key Budget Dates
Tuesday, February 23 at 5:30 p.m.
Presentation on the 2021-22 preliminary budget forecast, budget assumptions and alignment to the strategic/fiscal plan conducted in Finance CommitteeMonday, March 1 at 5:30 p.m.
2021-22 RCSD Budget Due to the State Monitor for her review (Deadline in accordance with State legislation)
Thursday, March 11 at 5:30 p.m.
Finance Committee Chair hosts Public Budget Webinar Event via ZoomTuesday, March 16 at 5:30 p.m.
Finance Committee Meeting and presentation of the updated 2021-22 Budget CalendarTuesday, March 23 at 5:30 p.m.
District & East EPO Superintendents present 2021-22 Budget to the BOE (PowerPoint overview). Draft Budget Book and CIP Book presented following the meetingThursday, April 1 at 5:30 p.m.
Deadline to provide Proposed Budget, State Monitor Findings and any budget amendments to the public via the District’s website (Deadline in accordance with State legislation—7 days from public budget hearing)Tuesday, April 6 at 5:30 p.m.
Presentation: 2021-22 operational and general support budget (Operations & Maintenance, Transportation and General support) debt service and employee benefits budget + Budget Deliberation Session
Wednesday, April 7 at 5:30 p.m.
Presentation: 2021-22 Instructional and Special Education budget + Budget Deliberation SessionThursday, April 8 at 5:30 p.m.
Public Budget Hearing | Sign up to speakTuesday, April 20 at 5:30 p.m.
Finance Committee Meeting Presentation: 2021-22 Schools' Budget (including East EPO budget) + Budget Deliberation SessionTuesday, May 4 at 5:30 p.m.
Board Memo w/ Summary of Final Board Concerns sent to the AdministrationMonday, May 10 at 5:30 p.m.
Special Board Meeting for Budget AdoptionTuesday, May 11
Summary of 2021-22 RCSD Budget Transmittal and Final 2021-22 Budget due to City HallThursday, May 13
Final 2020-21 RCSD Budget due to City Hall (Date set by City) (At least 33 days before City Council approval)Wednesday, June 9 at 3:30 p.m.
Joint Budget Hearing with City Council (Date set by City)Wednesday, June 9 at 5:30 p.m.
Joint Board of Education / City Council Public Hearing (Date set by City)Tuesday, June 15 at 7:30 p.m.
City Council Budget Approval (date set by City)
All meetings are streamed live to RCSD Youtube, Facebook Live and rcsdk12.org/tv. A full archive list of these meetings are available at www.rcsdk12.org/boemeetings.
Current & Past Budget Resources