• Guidelines for Employment as a Per Diem Building Teacher

    Please be aware that the Per Diem Building Teacher positions are solely reserved for Per Diem Teachers that worked a minimum of fifty (50) days in the current or prior school year for the Rochester City School District. Building Per Diem Teachers are  full-time employees assigned to a particular elementary, middle, or high school that report to the same building each day for classroom assignments  in attendance up to 185 days, including testing days, as well as attending all Superintendent's Conference Days, regardless of location.  Building substitutes will be granted eight (8) unpaid absence days and two (2) paid absence days to be used in any one school year and will be eligible to receive the same health and dental benefits under the same terms as those offered to employees by the Rochester Teachers Association.

    Building Per Diem Teacher provides initial teacher absence coverage at a designated location for teacher absences.  In the event that no per diem substitute work is available in the assigned building, the Building Per Diem Teacher may be reassigned by the building principal to other duties within the building or to a substitute position in another building. Terms and conditions are consistent with those found in the Contractual Agreement Between The City School District of Rochester and the Per Diem Substitute Teachers Unit of the Rochester Teachers.


    • Must have TEACHING abilities in all areas and be able to follow oral and written directions.
    • Have the ability to establish effective working relationships with staff and students.
    • Maintain effective classroom management strategies, address the various learning styles of students, display problem-solving skills, cooperative negotiating skills, initiate conflict resolution strategies; and use classroom instructional time appropriately and wisely.
    • In collaboration with school leadership, follow an instructional program that, as much as possible, meets the individual needs, interest and abilities of students.
    • Assists the administration in creating an environment that is conducive to learning and appropriate to the maturity and interest of students.
    • Counsels with colleagues, students and parents on a regular basis and works cooperatively with staff, superiors and the community.
    • Strives to maintain and improve professional competence.
    • Attends meetings and serves on staff committees as appropriate.
    • Follows State Education Department's regulations.
    • Building Per Diem Teacher shall be evaluated according to current procedures for the observation and evaluation of non-tenured teachers as agreed upon by the Association and the District.  All components of those procedures shall apply to Building Per Diem Teacher.
    • Under the general supervision of building principals, assistant principals and/or their designees, and in as efficiently, safely and complete a manner as possible, the Per Diem Teacher provides continuity of quality instruction to RCSD students during the absence of the regular teacher.
    • Adheres to all RCSD policies and procedures to which regular teachers are subjected, as well as those outlined in the handbook and the current contractual agreement between the City School District of Rochester and the Per Diem Substitute Unit of the Rochester Teachers Association.
    • Follows, as completely as possible, established routines and procedures of the school and classroom to which s/he is assigned and establishes and attempts to achieve classroom goals and objectives developed by the absent teacher.
    • Assumes responsibility for maintaining classroom discipline, not only while delivering curriculum, but also during lunch and recess periods when needed.  Informs the absent teacher (via written communication) of classroom activities, i.e. work completed, homework assigned, any problems which occurred and methods used to solve them.  Performs other related duties as assigned by school building administrators.

    (1/200th per day of the base salary for a new hire in the RTA Teacher unit)