APPR Appeals Form
Click on the link above to download the current APPR Appeals Form. You must file an appeal of your APPR score within 15 business days of your receipt of your composite score and rating. Full instructions are found on p. 78 of the Teacher Evaluation Guide.
You may mail or bring your appeal to the Department of Human Resources (HR) on the first floor of Central Office or the Career In Teaching (CIT) Department on the second floor of Central Office. Appeals sent to HR must be addressed to the Chief of Human Resources and all appeals should indicate “APPR Appeal” on the envelope.Find valuable APPR resources at the RTA Website (rochesterteachers.org/appr) or the APPR website (www.rcsdk12.org/APPR)Please contact the APPR mailbox, APPR@rcsdk12.org, or call RTA, 546-2681, if you have questions about APPR appeals. -
TIP or Development Plan
Click on the link above to download the current Teacher Improvement Plan (TIP)/Development Plan. Full instructions are found on p. 76 of the Teacher Evaluation Guide.
Remember that creating a TIP or Development Plan is a collaborative process involving the teacher in consultation with his/her supervisor and Lead Teacher-Mentor (if assigned). Union representation shall be afforded at the teacher’s request.Find valuable APPR resources at the RTA Website: rochesterteachers.org/appr.Please contact the APPR mailbox, APPR@rcsdk12.org, or call RTA, 546-2681, if you have questions about APPR appeals.