School Nursing Services (SNS)The Rochester City School District (RCSD) contracts with Monroe #1 BOCES to provide school nursing services to all students.
School nurses can provide:
Emergency Care
- Students who are injured at school will receive first aid. A school nurse will apprise the parent/guardian of a medical situation.
- Injuries occurring at home will not be treated by a school nurse.
Illness Screening
- If a student becomes ill at school, a school nurse will assess the student.
- If the illness is minor, the issue will be addressed and the student will be returned to class when determined appropriate.
- If the student is too ill to remain in school, the school nurse will contact the student’s parents. A parent must give permission to the school administration to allow their child to be released from school. A student should be accompanied home for their own safety.
Health Screening
- Vision, hearing, scoliosis, and color perception screenings will be provided to grade appropriate students.
Maintenance of Health Records
- The school nurse will maintain documentation of immunizations appropriate for entrance into school and pertinent medical history.
- A doctor’s order and parental permission are both required in order for a student to take medication throughout the school day. An adult must bring the student’s medication (in the original prescription container) to the school nurse.
- Students must have a physical in order to participate on school sports teams or to obtain working papers. Physicals will be offered at several school sites if a student is unable to obtain a physical from their family doctor.
Counseling and Referrals
- Students are provided with health information both individually and in groups. Students with specific health issues, physical or emotional, are free to consult with the school nurse. Nurses work closely with school counselors. Students will be referred to appropriate staff or agencies if the nurse is unable to meet the needs of the student.
For more information, contact the Office of Student Health Services at 262-8497.