Acceptable Proof of Guardianship

  • A parent or legal guardian enrolling a student must present photo identification.

    Acceptable documents include:

    • Driver’s License/Permit
    • Government issued Photo ID
    • Military ID
    • Work Issued Photo ID
    • County Issued Picture Identification Card (EBT)

    In addition to the above, a person other than a natural parent, but in parental relation, must present one of the following: 

    • Designation of Decision-Making Form for children who are in the care and custody of an adult that is not their birth parent. An adult does have contact with at least one of the birth parents (form available at Office of Student Registration)
    • Person in Parental Relation Affidavit for children who are in the care and custody of an adult that is not their birth parent, adult does not have contact with either of the birth parents (form available at Office of Student Registration)
    • Paternity test - for birth parents not listed on the birth certificate
    • Court issued legal guardianship papers
    • Court order granting custody
    • Court appointment as foster parent
    • Best interest Determination (BID) Document - used for students in foster care
    • Child Protective Services Letter of Appointment
    • Documents issued by federal, state, local agencies i.e. agency placement letters, Office of Refugee Resettlement
    • Other original documents providing evidence of a parental relation 

    Student claiming Emancipation

    If you are a student claiming emancipation, you must submit an affidavit explaining why you are an emancipated minor, as well as an affidavit from your parent when deemed appropriate, unless you are deemed an unaccompanied youth pursuant to the McKinney-Vento Act.