• The Green Schools Program was created by the Alliance to Save Energy (ASE) www.ase.org for the purpose of providing information to students and staff on the definitions of energy, energy usage and energy conservation. The program is international in scope and has also been implemented in several states. The Program is a behavioral modification; project based, hands-on instructional approach to energy education and conservation at school, at home and in the community. The program provides instructional materials and strategies for infusing energy education into the daily instructional program at all grade levels. All of the instructional materials provided have been correlated to New York State Standards in math, science and English Language Arts. The program is not an “add on” but rather enhances existing curriculum.
    In 2003 the Green Schools Program was introduced to the RCSD via the Educational Facilities Department in an effort to maximize the impact of the electrical and mechanical equipment changes that were being made in schools. It was apparent that maximal energy conservation would be realized from the upgrades only if students and staff were knowledgeable regarding energy use and conservation and if changes in human behavior in this regard were made. The Program is currently operational in twenty eight (28) District schools and is in the seventh year of operation in RCSD.
    Nineteen RCSD schools have earned the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's prestigious Energy Star Label Award.  Schools qualify for this award by meeting strict energy performance standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) including less energy intensive, less expensive to operate, and less polluting by causing fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Ten of the nineteen Schools had a Green Schools Program. The District's Green Schools Program has been tailored to focus on electrical energy conservation in schools. The goals are being reached through:
    • Energy education instructional materials and tools, classroom activities, and hands-on projects in schools for staff and students
    • After school project based energy conservation activities for staff and students
    • Incentives to schools for documented electrical energy cost avoidance activities
    Currently half of the RCSD schools are actively involved in energy conservation efforts. Given the ever expanding discussion regarding the impact of energy use, all of the schools of the RCSD should have formal involvement in the effort to save energy. Not only is wise use of energy simply the right thing to do, financial, national security and environmental concerns must also be considered. The Alliance to Save Energy suggests mandates for schools in this regard and is prepared to assist in the development of said mandates. Additionally, Green Teams have expressed an interested in being involved in the upcoming facility modernization project. The process could serve as an ongoing learning experience for students and staff.
    For additional Information contact:
    John Songer - Rochester City Schools Educational Facility Department
    336-4152 (office), 509-4163 (cell), or by email at john.songer@rcsdk12.org
    Megan Campion – Alliance To Save Energy
    202-530-2237 or by email at mcampion@ase.org