• 690 St. Paul/175 Martin Street

    Since first being leased in 2008, the building at 175 Martin St. has been the location of District administrative offices as well as temporary ‘swing space’ for schools under construction and currently houses one district school and a charter school. The building being leased by the District is part of a larger, four building, 4.7 acre site that is being redeveloped under the State’s Brownfield Cleanup Program.  

    All investigation and remediation work being done at the property is actively monitored by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) staff and all work elements being done have a written component that describes the measures that will be taken to protect the health and safety of the public, District employees, and remediation workers.  Descriptions of the work phases are provided by NYSDEC and New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) in periodic Fact Sheets as well as reports submitted by LaBella Associates.

    In addition to providing up-to-date information on work being conducted at the property, the Fact Sheets also present a detailed description of the site history. For a complete sampling history refer to the document titled 2016-2017 Annual Monitoring Report 175 Martin St (690 St Paul).

    Included below are detailed documents pertaining to the project.  As described in the 2012 Fact Sheet, there are three public library branches that are project document repositories – the Central Library, the Phyllis Wheatley Library and the Lincoln Branch Library.  In addition, there is an NYSDEC project manager, Frank Sowers, at 585-226-5357, and an NYSDOH project manager, Justin Deming, at 1-800-458-1158, ext. Opt. 6. Stacie Darbey, Coordinator of School Environmental Health and Safety for RCSD, is also available to address any of your concerns.  She can be reached at stacie.darbey@rcsdk12.org or at 585-336-4005.

Brownfield Repository Documents