The RCSD and the department of Career and Technical Education (CTE) is committed to engage, lift up, collaborate and lead all students by…
- believing in equal access to all CTE and career planning opportunities.
- inspiring students to be autonomous, hopeful, and excited about their future.
- exposing students to a variety of opportunities to explore career interests as early as Pre-K.
- cultivating a climate where students value diversity in the workplace.
- instilling confidence in students through rigorous and engaging curriculum and instruction.
- preparing students to grow and thrive as they adapt to change.
- ensuring that our students' value and take pride in their work and what they contribute to the world.
- providing connections from school to life and career for students Pre-K-12 to postsecondary.
- partnering with community members to provide relevant high-quality career opportunities, including work-based learning, for (Pre-K - 12) students.