American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
In January 2021, the District received NYSED approval of its American Rescue Plan Act application in the amount of almost $197 million. Through these funds, the District will be able to lift educational programming to support the unique needs of students and families that have arisen as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The documents linked below provide detailed information about the District's plan to utilize this funding.
- ARP FS-10 Budget (Approved 1.13.22)
- ARP FS-10A#1 (Approved 2.8.23)
- ARP FS-10 Budget Narrative
- ARP ESSER Application Materials (Approved 1.13.22)
- American Rescue Plan Forum Presentation
- Public Forum Speakers List (5.26.21)
- ARP FS-10A#2 (Approved 10.19.23)
- ARP FS-10A#3 (Approved 7.16.24)
- ARP FS-10A #4 (Approved 10.10.24)
- ARP FS-10F (Approved 12.23.24)