• If you have received notice from the district that you have been laid off as part of a "reduction in force" (RIF), please know that your CIT Lead Teacher-Mentors will continue to support you through this challenging process. Scroll down for links to valuable resources and information.

    Please try to attend the June 5th Drop-in Session at the RTA Office. Information here: www.rochesterteachers.org/potential-layoffs.

    We value your commitment to your students and to your profession, and want to assist you however we can.

    If you are laid off (RIF), you will be placed on a "Preferred Eligibility List" (PEL) and you will be recalled from that list in order of seniority. Keep in mind that the district's hiring outlook is changing constantly, especially as staffing shifts are made for the fall. Please keep your Mentor informed of your status, so CIT can help you navigate these difficult conditions.

    If you finish out the school year, your benefits will be in place through August. 

    If you believe you may be laid off, but have not received a notice from the district, make sure to contact the RTA office for your seniority ranking.

    For teachers who were laid off due to job reductions (RIF):
    RTA and NYSUT resources: www.rochesterteachers.org/potential-layoffs, 585-546-2681 
    RCSD Office of Human Capital Information:  Teacher Guide to School Closure and  Staff Displacements 
    Human Capital Directors: Aneli Rivera-Nothnagle at 585-262-8586 or Mailaika Rivera at 585-262-8404  
    Employee Benefits and Wellness: benefits@rcsdk12.org, 585-262-8206
    CIT Certification resources: https://www.rcsdk12.org/CIT/Certification
    CIT Tuition Reimbursement: https://www.rcsdk12.org/CIT/Tuition

    We will keep this page updated with new information and links as we learn more.