Obtaining a Work Permit

  • Work permits can be obtained for all youth ages 14-17 within the City of Rochester through the Rochester City School District, but the process varies depending on if the student is enrolled in a Rochester City School or is a Private, Parochial, Charter, Urban/Suburban Program or Homeschooled student. Please consult the process below that best fits where or how your child attends school.

Work Permits for District Students (RCSD Only)

  • All Work Permit applications for RCSD students are processed and issued at a child's school.
    Interested student applicants should see their school's main office clerical staff for support. | Contact a school

    RCSD Students must follow these steps to obtain a work permit:

    Step 1: Download an Application for Employment Certificate
    Download/view an Application for Employment at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sss/documents/AT17-FillableMay21.pdf. More information about work permits are available on page 2 of the document. 

    Step 2: Parent Signature Required on Part I
    A Parent /Guardian must complete Part I (Parent Consent) of the Application for Employment Certificate.

    Step 3: Physical Fitness Form
    Download/view a Physical Fitness Certification at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sss/documents/AT-16fillable.pdf. Have the form completed by your child’s primary care provider.

    Step 4: Necessary Documents and Verification
    School Clerical Staff will receive and verify the following:

    • Completed Application for Employment Certificate with parent signature (see step 2)
    • Completed Physical Form from Medical Professional with signature
    • Proof of age: School Clerical staff will verify a student's age using PowerSchool, the District's Student Information System and check the school record box on the work permit application.

    Step 5: Work Permit Processing and Issuance
    School Clerical staff will issue correct work permit and complete the Date of Issuance, Minor name and birthdate. A student's Social Security number is not needed to complete this process. The student will be required to sign it on-site during issuance before receiving the work permit.

Work Permits for Non-RCSD Students

  • Work Permits can be obtained for a Non-RCSD student through email at workpermit@rcsdk12.org upon receipt of all necessary and signed documents outlined in the steps below. Non-RCSD students are defined as Private, Parochial, Charter or Home school students that do not attend an RCSD School. 

    To better assist non-RCSD families in expediting work permit requests, please be sure to include:

    • Your child’s full name and school in the subject line of the email
    • Your current, updated address in the body of the email
    • A picture or scan of all necessary and completed documents attached to the email. Families can download the Adobe Scan app to a smart phone to scan the documents to email

    Non-RCSD Students must follow these steps to obtain a work permit:

    Step 1: Download an Application for Employment Certificate
    Download/view an Application for Employment at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sss/documents/AT17-FillableMay21.pdf. More information about work permits are available on page 2 of the document. 

    Step 2: Parent Signature Required on Part I
    A Parent /Guardian must complete Part I (Parent Consent) of the Application for Employment Certificate, with the student's information (i.e. name, address, zip code, and current age)

    Step 3: Physical Fitness Form
    Download/view a Physical Fitness Certification at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sss/documents/AT-16fillable.pdf. Have the form completed by your child’s primary care provider.

    Step 4: Necessary Documents 
    Email the following documents to workpermit@rcsdk12.org

    • Completed Application for Employment Certificate with Parent/Guardian signature
    • Completed Physical Form with signature from child's primary care provider
    • Proof of age: The student’s copy or original birth certificate, baptismal certificate, current unexpired driver’s license, current unexpired passport, plastic benefit card or permanent resident’s card

    Step 5: Verification and Issuance
    The district designee will verify proof of age with the above documents, process the work permit and mail it to the home address provided.