Where Do Secondary Student Cumulative Records Go?
1. Schools That Are Not Closing
- Student cumulative records for students who have left the District within the past seven years STAY IN THE SCHOOL.
2. Schools That Are Closing
- Student cumulative records for student who have left the District within the past seven years STAY IN THE BUILDING where the school was located before closing.
3. The principal(s) of the school(s) that remain in the BUILDING assume responsibility for the student cum records of the closed school(s).
4. Seven years after a student has left the District, the principal(s) are responsible to follow District procedures for purging and forwarding the student cum records to the Student Records Department.
- This transfer takes place in January following the end of the seventh year.
- Purging cannot be done until seven years after a student leaves the District. New York State law requires all documents to be kept for seven years and only certain required documents after seven years.
Please call Robert Ulliman 585-262-8190 if you have any questions or concerns.