• Family and Community Resources Overview
     (Gr. 7 and 8)

    For the 2022-2023 school year, students in grades 7th and 8th will use Illustrative Math (IM). Illustrative Math focuses on supporting teachers in the use of research-based instructional routines to successfully facilitate student learning. IM 6-8 Math, authored by Illustrative Mathematics, is highly rated by EdReports for meeting all expectations across all three review gateways. EdReports is an independent nonprofit that reviews K–12 instructional materials.

    Illustrative Math is a problem-based core curriculum rooted in content and practice standards to foster learning and achievement for all. Students learn by doing math, solving problems in mathematical and real-world contexts, and constructing arguments using precise language. Teachers can shift their instruction and facilitate student learning with high-leverage routines that guide them in understanding and making connections between concepts and procedures.

    To access resources for a grade level, click on the icon. A collection of video resources to support students and families is included on each page. These resources are designed to:

    • help families understand the skills and concepts students are learning;
    • provide students with access to content after the lesson to further develop or reinforce skills and concepts.

    Information for parents  7th Grade English

    Information for parents 7th  Grade Spanish

    Information for parents 8th Grade  English

    Information for parents 8th Grade Spanish