• NCTM logo
    The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is a public voice of mathematics education, supporting teachers to ensure equitable mathematics learning of the highest quality for all students through vision, leadership, professional development, and research.

    NCTM Foundational Priorities

    • Curriculum, instruction, and assessment: Provide guidance and resources for developing and implementing mathematics curriculum, instruction, and assessment that are coherent, focused, well-articulated, and consistent with research in the field, and focused on increasing student learning.
    • Equity: Advance knowledge about, and infuse in every aspect of mathematics education, a culture of equity where everyone is empowered by the opportunities mathematics affords.
    • Advocacy: Engage in public and political advocacy to focus policymakers and education decision makers on improving learning and teaching mathematics.
    •  Professional Development: Provide professional development to all stakeholders to help ensure all students receive the highest quality mathematics education.
    •  Research: Ensure that sound research is integrated into all activities of the Council.


    AMTNYS logo
    With about 3,000 members statewide, AMTNYS, its Affiliate Organizations, and the New York State Education Department, represents a driving force in the area of mathematics education in New York State. The Association publishes a Journal, The NYS Mathematics Teachers' Journal, and a Newsletter, The AMTNYS News, three times each year to keep its membership informed of statewide activities.
    AMTRA logo
    The Association of Mathematics Teachers of the Rochester Area is an organization dedicated to the support of mathematics teachers at all levels. Its purpose is fourfold:
    • to ensure better coordination of all activities of mathematics groups in the region,
    • to afford a medium of exchange of view regarding the teaching of mathematics (K - 16),
    • to further the cooperative study of problems relating to the teaching of mathematics at all four levels: elementary, junior high, senior high, and college,
    • to encourage active interest in mathematics and mathematics education.

    staff dev logo
    The National Staff Development Council has adopted a bold new purpose that connects professional development and student learning. The purpose also emphasizes that all educators have a responsibility to learn in order to improve student performance.

    NSDC's new purpose statement says the organization exists to ensure that "every educator engages in effective professional learning every day so every student achieves."

    Beliefs: What we stand for

    • Every student learns when every educator engages in effective professional learning.
    • Schools' most complex problems are best solved by educators collaborating and learning together.
    • Remarkable professional learning begins with ambitious goals for students.
    • Professional learning decisions are strengthened by diversity.
    • Sustainable learning cultures require skillful leadership.
    • Student learning increases when educators reflect on professional practice and student progress.