
    basketballRCSD Students Kayaking on Irondequoit CreekSoccerRCSD Students Snowshoeing


Physical Education

  • The mission of Physical Education in the RCSD is to enable all students to sustain regular, lifelong physical activity as a foundation for a healthy, productive and fulfilling life in a global environment. Physical Education is fundamental to the development and education of each individual.Physical Education provides a unique opportunity to develop concepts, skills and attitudes that reinforce personal wellness and the ability to manage one’s life.
    Physical Education at all levels is taught by certified physical education teachers.

    Physical Education Classes by Grade Level

    • K– 6th meets 2 times within a 4 day rotation ABCD (80 - 120 minutes per week)
    • 7th—12th grade—Every year — 2 credits required for graduation (3 periods per week one semester, 2 periods per week the next semester)

    The Physical Education Department ensures compliance with all Federal and NYS State regulations and monitors for program effectiveness and accountability through the Fitness Gram, BMI data collection and the School Health Index.

    Physical Education Curriculum Documents 