About Summer Reading
Reading for grades K-12 Initiative provides Rochester City School students with a list of engaging book titles to read. Choose your grade level below to find a comprehensive list of titles that will last you all year long!
La Iniciativa de Lectura de Verano para los grados PreK-12 ofrece a los estudiantes de las Escuelas de la Ciudad de Rochester una lista de libros interesantes para leer durante los meses de verano.
Culturally Relevant Text Recommendations
The culturally relevant text recommendations listed beloware provided by Dr. Noma LeMoine and Associates (Dr. Noma LeMoine)
- African American
- Mexican American
- Native American
- Hawaiian American
- Scott Woods List
- Report: What Kids Are Reading
- International Literacy Association Reading Lists
- Here Wee Read's 2018 Diverse K-12 Books
- Pre-K Culturally Responsive Lending Library List