When schools work with parents to support learning, our students have a better chance to succeed, not just in our schools, but throuhout life. This involves regular communication from all parties regarding student learning as the goal. This page is reserved for ideas for parents to explore to encourage literacy. Please review these tools and try a few out. Email us to share.
AMIRA is a Reading Tutor for intervention, focusing on fluency for Kindergarten through Grade 5 students. Amira listens as a child read aloud, providing interactive tutoring and building literacy skills. Amira uses more than 20 different tutoring techniques to catch mistakes or mispronunciations, provide assistance, and give “just-in-time” encouragement.
Parent Roadmaps to the Standards- English Language Arts
The Council of the Great City Schools' parent roadmaps in English language arts/literacy provide guidance to parents about what their children will be learning and how they can support that learning in grades K-8. These parent roadmaps for each grade level also provide three-year snapshots showing how selected standards progress from year to year so that students will be college and career ready upon their graduation from high school.
Spanish Parent Roadmaps to the Standards- English Language Arts
The Council of the Great City Schools' parent roadmaps in English language arts/literacy provide guidance to parents about what their children will be learning and how they can support that learning in grades K-8. These parent roadmaps for each grade level also provide three-year snapshots showing how selected standards progress from year to year so that students will be college and career ready upon their graduation from high school.
U.S. Department of Education Reading Resources
This site provides resources parents can explore to help their students improve their reading.
Ready Rosie
This website provides short videos in English and Spanish that demonstrate activities to be done at home with your child.
Put Reading First: Helping your Child Learn to Read
This website provides a summary of healthy literacy activities that can be done at home with your child to help them learn to read. Learning to read can be hard wok for children, and this report gives parents a resource as to what they can do to help.
Tips For Parents
These are some possible ideas that parents can use at home to support their child(ren) as they learn throughout their years of school.
Family Guide to Literacy
This presentation was created to assist families in Rochester with creating the love of reading!