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Students from Wilson’s X-Cats Robotics Team Name Robot at Rochester General Hospital

(February 8, 2024) Members of the X-Cats Robotics Team at Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High School Commencement Academy have helped name a robot at Rochester General Hospital. 

Until now, several robots named “Moxi” have been rolling the halls of Rochester General Hospital, helping with non-patient-facing tasks like grabbing supplies, delivering lab samples, and picking up medicine from the pharmacy.  Today, that robot has a new name, thanks to the students from the Wilson X-Cats Robotics team.  They provided a list of names to Rochester Regional Health that were put to a public vote, and the new name “Roxi” was unveiled Thursday morning, February 8, when students visited for a hospital tour. 

“Roxi” was named by Kiara Ridgeway, a senior at Wilson and a member of the X-Cats team.  “Just looking at the robot, I thought, wouldn’t it be a great name? said Ridgeway.  “It is a cute name, and she looks very pretty.”

“We want our teams to be closer to the patients. That is where the important work is, and if we can have a robot bring things throughout the facility when a person does not have to, we are allowing more time for our team members to be closer to patient care,” said Casey Wilbert, the senior director of acute care pharmacy for Rochester Regional Health.

During their tour, students saw cutting-edge technology used to treat and heal patients and met with healthcare workers to learn more about their jobs.