P-EBT Food Benefits Information

  • What are P-EBT food benefits?
    The Continuing Appropriations Act of 2021 and Other Extensions Act reauthorized the payment of P-EBT food benefits to households with children who would have received free school lunches under the National School Lunch Act, if not for a reduction in in-person learning due to the pandemic. These temporary food benefits are being provided to help cover the cost of meals children would have otherwise received at school during the 2020-21 academic year.

    Are my child/children eligible for P-EBT food benefits?
    Children who receive free school lunches through the National School Lunch Program are eligible for P-EBT food benefits if their school has been operating with reduced in-person attendance due to COVID-19 during the 2020-21 school year. This includes children who attend Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) schools and any private, prekindergarten, parochial and charter schools that participate in the National School Lunch Program.

    You do not (and cannot) apply for P-EBT food benefits. P-EBT food benefits will automatically be issued to eligible children.

    When will my child receive P-EBT food benefits?
    The timeframe for when P-EBT food benefits are issued is based on a variety of factors, including the volume and nature of the data submitted by schools and the rate this information can be processed and benefits issued.

    To view your school's current P-EBT distribution status, please visit the link below.