Board Committee Representatives

  • The Rochester Board of Education is a seven-member board elected by the citizens of the City of Rochester to direct and oversee the school district's operations. Among the duties of the Board of Education is the responsibility to serve on Board Committees addressing six key focus areas.

    The Board invites parents and students of the Rochester City School District to serve as advisory members of the Board's committees. The Board recognizes the role that parents and students play in our school communities and requests that parents and students play an active part in the fiscal oversight and accountability functions of the Board.

    Depending on your interests and experience, Board Committees offer many opportunities to represent the best interests of parents and students while serving the Rochester community.

Who can serve?

  • Interested Parents: Only parents and legal guardians of students currently attending the Rochester City School District who are not employees of the Rochester City School District will be allowed to serve on the Board’s Committees. 

    Interested Students: Only students currently attending a Rochester City School District school, in grades 8th through 12th, having good academic standing, and on track to graduate will be allowed to serve on the Board’s Committees.

    No one may serve on a Committee who has a personal financial interest in the work of the Committee on which they wish to serve.

Board of Education Committees

  • Community & Intergovernmental Relations

  • Equity in Student Achievement

  • Finance & Resource Allocation

  • Human Capital

  • Policy Development & Review

How to Apply

Selection Process

  • Applications are open for the following Committees:

    • Community & Intergovernmental Relations (CIGR)
    • Equity in Student Achievement (ESA)
    • Finance & Resource Allocation
    • Human Capital
    • Policy Development & Review

    The Board Committee Chairperson will select parent representatives and student committee representatives to serve on the identified Board committee for a one-year term (July 1st through June 30th), with the option of returning as a mentor for an additional year.

    1. Application forms will be reviewed by the Board committee.
    2. The Committee Chair will make the final selection of the parent representative and student committee representative.
    3. Appointed parent representatives and student committee representatives for the year will be notified.
    4. Committee assignments for parent representatives and student committee representatives will be posted on the District website.