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Sixth Graders Start Morning Show at Charles Carroll School No. 46

(February 28, 2024) At Charles Carroll School No. 46, a new format for morning announcements has begun, with 6th-grade students taking center stage.  Departing from the traditional public address system, students transform routine announcements into engaging morning shows.  Every morning, students tune in via Zoom to catch their peers delivering school news, the weather, and daily affirmations. 

“Public speaking is a difficult skill,” said Principal Gina DiTullio.  “This is an opportunity for them to get over some of those jitters, and this is a safe place to practice that.  We are always looking for ways to get our kids to talk more throughout the day, and they get to do that in a room, in front of a camera, instead of a whole room full of peers.  They have been getting a lot of confidence in their speaking skills.”

For the students, being part of the morning show is not just about delivering announcements; it is helping them ensure everyone starts their day on a positive note.  Ian, a 6th-grade student at School No. 46, who wants to be a football player when he grows up, co-anchored the morning announcements on Tuesday, March 27, with Aryanna, who wants to be an orthopedic surgeon.

While this format of morning announcements is a new endeavor at School No. 46, they are already looking for ways to expand it and include many more students as a celebration of student voice and leadership. 

News Story:
Rochester Sixth Graders Transform School’s Morning Announcements Into Dynamic Live Show (2/27/24 – 13 WHAM)