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World of Inquiry School Students and Staff Shine at National Conference in Atlanta

(December 4, 2024) This week, four students and ten teachers and administrators from World of Inquiry School No. 58 are representing the Rochester City School District at the Expeditionary Learning (EL) National Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.  The conference, themed The Power of Crew, resonates deeply with World of Inquiry’s core belief: We are crew, not passengers.

Among the student representatives are senior ambassadors Nathan Harriman, Deeqo Osman, Coco McCoy, and Marilena Diaz. Nathan and Deeqo were honored as keynote speakers at the conference, where they shared the World of Inquiry story through their eyes as students. Their presentation included a mini-documentary created on Better World Day in May 2024, an event celebrating student-driven efforts to create a better world. Coco and Marilena played vital roles as student ambassadors, engaging with educators and students nationwide to promote impactful work at World of Inquiry.

Better World Day holds a special place in the heart of World of Inquiry School, and this year’s efforts were particularly inspiring. On May 3, 2024, students across grade levels united for projects that reflected their theme, Roots to Blossoms: Growing Together. Last fall, students from all grade levels planted 1,967 tulip bulbs across the school campus.   This was part of the 11th-grade capstone project, a symbolic gesture marking the school’s founding after the 1964 racial uprising.

The EL Education National Conference builds on a spirit of collaboration and growth. Participants, including educators, researchers, and students from across the nation, come together to explore innovative practices that help students achieve excellence as scholars and citizens. For the World of Inquiry team, the conference offers an opportunity to share their work, sharpen their skills, and draw inspiration from like-minded peers passionate about education.