COVID Management
RCSD COVID19 Staff and Family Resources
COVID Testing Resources
COVID Vaccine Resources
To All RCSD Employees:
As you are aware, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases continues to grow in New York State and across the country. New York State’s Department of Financial Services (DFS) is requiring all insured health coverages to waive the member cost share for telemedicine visits. All telehealth visits (not just those related to the virus) are included in this new mandate.
The telehealth mandate also covers telehealth visits for providers not currently on MDLive but who offer the telehealth services through their practice. Not all local providers offer this option, but you can check with your provider to see if this is an option. This is being done in an effort to keep people home and to free up provider offices, urgent care centers, and hospitals during this outbreak.
This zero telehealth mandate will remain in effect during the state of emergency. If this changes, we will communicate with employees and post it on the Benefits webpage. Information on telemedicine can be found on the Benefits webpage at https://www.rcsdk12.org/Page/29336. For those not already enrolled, here is the YouTube link for enrollment directions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHsTshf2fbM. We will continue to update Benefit information on the Benefits webpage.
These are uncertain times, and we appreciate your understanding. If you have any questions, please contact me at Joseph.Sergio@rcsdk12.org.
Thank you!
Joseph Sergio
Sr. Director Employee Benefits & Wellness