• School of the Arts
    Writing Across Cultures, 12th Grade:

    This course introduces students to the field of cultural studies. Through research, reading, and writing, students will discuss and respond to works by noted writers from a variety of cultures around the world. These works will serve as a source of inspiration, style, and techniques for students in crafting their own writing, and as a source of themes and issues to be explored. Students will approach writing through the practice of research while analyzing different cultures, cultural ideas, and philosophies. Typical units or topics include world literature, philosophy, gender studies, minority literature, psychology, sociology & political science, creative nonfiction, popular culture, mythology, and academic writing (summary, analysis, synthesis, and research). 

    Playwriting, 11th Grade:

    During this writing course, students gain experience writing in the dramatic literary genre. This course focuses on writing for the stage while the second half of this course, *Film Studies & Production (see below), will focus on screenwriting. Students explore the dramatic genre by reading, viewing, and analyzing representative works by noted playwrights. These works serve as a source of style and technique for the student in crafting his or her own writing and as a source of themes or issues to be explored. Students workshop and revise their own plays. Ambitious students may have their script projects produced in public performances, readings, or submitted to national writing contests.

    Film Studies, 11th Grade:

    Film Studies & Production is paired with Playwriting. This course focuses on screenwriting and film production. Students explore the film genre and history by reading and viewing representative works by noted filmmakers. These works serve as a source of style and technique for the student in crafting his or her own writing and as a source of themes or issues to be explored. Students workshop and produce their own film scripts & creative projects. Ambitious students may have their final film projects produced or screened in a public forum.

    Media Studies, 10th Grade:

    Building on various units and skills covered in the 9th-grade year, students continue to develop their writing skills while examining the discipline of media studies. This course focuses on the content, history, artistry, and philosophical issues the discipline encounters. Students are asked to write creatively in a variety of genres (including journalism, creative nonfiction, new media, game design, radio/podcast scripts, film, graphic novels/cartoons, photography, television, website creation, and blogging, etc.) Students study, analyze, discuss, and write about the role of media and mass communication in our lives and communities, while continuing to develop their writer's voice in a variety of original writing projects to build a creative writing portfolio.

    Writing for Publication, 9th Grade:
    This creative writing course introduces students to writing creatively as a potential profession. Students write in a variety of genres to develop an authentic and creative voice. Students gain an understanding of the field of publishing, handling specific problems or issues writers face when writing, learn proper text formatting and discover the "business" of writing for an audience. Students will compose their own short fiction, poetry, plays, short films, blog & websites, as well as practice journaling, engage in writing workshops, and build editing skills. Special focus is given to writing for specific genre markets.
    Performance, Word, & Text, 9th Grade:
    This creative writing course is paired with Writing for Publication. It introduces students to such topics as performance (acting, public speaking) techniques, spoken word poetry, speech communication, oral interpretation, and writing in a variety of genres for a public forum. Through the course, the students will gain an understanding of the field of communication, improve communication and listening skills, build self-esteem and self-confidence writing and speaking in public. Students compose their own speeches, plays, stories, presentations, and poetry to be shared in class or read aloud in public venues like the Coffee House Readings.
    Introduction to Creative Writing, 7th Grade:
    The Arts Exploratory course (Introduction to Creative Writing) is designed to encourage middle school students to explore the art and craft of the creative writing discipline and gain confidence in writing creatively in a supportive environment.
    Virtual Academy:
    AP English Literature & Composition:
    Advanced Placement English in Literature and Composition engages students in the careful reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature. Through close readings of selected texts, students deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure for their readers. This course covers the fundamentals of literary criticism and how to better interpret and analyze texts from the perspective of various literary schools.
    Writing & the Environment, Dual Enrollment with Syracuse University: 

    This course provides an introduction to academic reading and writing at the college level, with an emphasis on science, the environment, and nature. Students develop a variety of college-level literacy skills such as analysis, argument, persuasion, expository writing, and critical thinking. The course includes formal and informal writing assignments, essays, and media projects that culminate in a student portfolio. This course is offered as a dual-enrollment course with possible college credit from Syracuse Univesity.

    Mosaics, English 12th Grade:
    This course fulfills the RCSD's requirement for English credit. Students explore multicultural themes and issues in a variety of literary genres.