Parents and guardians have the obligation to inform the school if their child will be absent by phone prior to the absence, or as soon as they are aware of the intended absence. Written notification is required upon the student’s return to school. 

    To report a FULL DAY ABSENCE, please call 585-242-7682 x1000


    email sotaattendance@rcsdk12.org


    To request an EARLY DISMISSAL, please call your child's office prior to arriving at school.


    7th/8th Grade: 585-242-7682 x4000

    9th/10th Grade: 585-242-7682 x3000

    11th/12th Grade: 585-242-7682 x2000



    A written excuse (or doctor's note if needed) needs to be turned in to the MAIN OFFICE or emailed to sotaattendance@rcsdk12.org