•  English for Speakers of Other Languages

     Services in English as a New Language (ENL) for English Language Learners (ELL) in Grades 7-12 range from integrated to stand-alone classes. Instruction at School of the Arts focuses on building communicative competence and acquiring academic English language skills. Through daily listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities in the English language, students receive the support necessary to succeed in a secondary school setting. ELL students are exposed to a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction texts with scaffolded (multi-leveled) instruction in place to ensure linguistic growth across the curriculum. ELL students also learn the cultural and linguistic concepts needed to function in both middle and high school, the local community, and the American society enabling their development as effective, multilingual, global citizens ready for college and/or career.

    RCSD Department of Multilingual Education  

    Study Units - Grades K-8

    Study Units - Grades 9-12

    Testing Accommodations for English Language Learners

    Language Line Instructions

    “He who does not know foreign languages does not know anything about his own.” -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe