TERMS: FY = Full Year S1= Semester 1 MP3= Marking Period 3
SOTA has two (2) semesters and four (4) marking periods.
- SOTA is a on a 4-Day, 9-Period rotating schedule.
- The days are A, B, C and D.
- Periods are 1-9.
- The Period is indicated first before the day pattern.
EXAMPLE: 1AC = Period 1 on A and C days 2 A-D = Period 2 every day
HIGH SCHOOL ONLY: 3AC4AC = Periods 3 and 4 on A and C days.
1ABDC2AC = Periods 1 everyday, including Period 2 on A and C days.
This is an example of a science class with a lab.
- Class Name is the course in which you are enrolled. There is a number after the course which stands for the section. You will not need to use that number. It will also indicate Year (Yr.), Quarter (Qtr.) also used for marking period and Semester (Sem.).
- Teacher – The teacher assigned to provide instruction.
- Room – The location of the room where the class will meet.
EXAMPLES: Term Period Day Class Name Teacher Room
FY 1: ABCD Spanish I P (Yr.)-4 Smith, S. M232
Term Period Day Class Name Teacher Room
S1 3: AC Health 7/8 (Sem.)-1 Wagner, T. A029