During the first two weeks of school:

    • Complete Google Form to request a schedule change.
    • The Counselor will follow up on the request or schedule an appointment to discuss the change with the student. 

    No course changes will occur three weeks after the beginning of the school year without the approval of both teachers, a parent or guardian, the counselor, and administrator. As per Rochester City School District policy, courses cannot be dropped after the first semester.

    • The withdrawal deadline without academic penalty for SEMESTER COURSES is the end of the first five (5) weeks of instruction.
    • The withdrawal deadline without academic penalty for FULL-YEAR COURSES is the end of the first semester.
    • Withdrawal from course(s) after the above deadlines, regardless of circumstances, will result in academic penalty to the student, i.e. a failure (F) for the course/s.

    RCSD Board Policy