When requesting homework for your child in cases of legal excuses, please have your child check his or her teacher’s Google Classroom Page as most teachers list assignments in this location.  Parents are also welcome to email teachers directly. If a teacher does not have an active Google Classroom Page or if you are having difficulty connecting with the classroom teacher, contact your child’s school counselor.

    Please allow two school days for this request to be honored. 

    Please refer to the list below when contacting your child’s school counselor. 
    Please Note: Each student is responsible to acquire and complete all work assignments missed during a legal absence within 10 days.

    Mrs. Heather Kelly -  Grade 7-9 - A-J  - Ext. 4320 - Heather.Kelly@RCSDK12.ORG

    Ms. Maggie Dorgan - Grade 7-9 - K-Z - Ext. 4240 - Maggie.Dorgan@RCSDK12.ORG

    Ms. Julie Rossette - Grade 10-12 - O-Z - Ext. 3492 - Julie.Rossette@RCSDK12.ORG

    Mr. Michael Murphy - Grade 10-12 - G-N - Ext. 1791 - Michael.Murphy@RCSDK12.ORG

    Ms. Talya Sirianni - Grade 10-12 - A-F - Ext. 2493 - Talya.Sirianni@RCSDK12.ORG