Community Service is a non-paying job performed by one person or a group of people for the benefit of the community. All Grade 11 & 12 students must complete Community Service hours to fulfill the mandatory requirement for the successful completion of Participation in Government (PIG) and Economics. SOTA students must accrue a minimum of ten (10) Comunity Service hours during their junior year. Students in Grade 11 & 12 are expected to complete an additional ten (10) hours of service for a combined total of 20 hours. Community Service opportunities are listed on the information board located outside the third floor Commencement Academy Office. If a student would like to participate in a Community Service activity that does not appear on the information board, it must be pre-approved. The Administrator in charge of Community Service or their designee must verify all hours that do not originate from the board and has the authority to refuse any service hours.
Community Service Opportunities
- Community Service hours must be unpaid.
- You should strongly consider completing more than 20-hours of Community Service as it can strengthen your college applications.
- Volunteer at a hospital, nursing home, a community summer program, or church.
- Participate in an organized cleanup activity at a local park, playground or community center.
- Register at www.volunteermatch.com, www.RochesterCares.org, or visit Foodlink at www.foodlinkNY.org to find other great opportunities.
- Serve as a SOTA Ambassador for events at school.
- Check out the volunteer opportunities at the Seneca Park Zoo, Lollypop Farm, or the Rochester Animal Services Center.
- Community Service Guidelines
Please remember… you must return a completed Community Service form to the Commencement Office for each service opportunity.
- Community Service hours will not be accepted on a day that the student was not in school.
- Community Service cannot be completed during a school day.
- Community Service hours cannot be signed-off on by a family member.
- Students will only be able to purchase a prom ticket if their Community Service hours are completed.
If you have any questions before beginning your service hours, please call the Commencement Office. All Community Service hours must be completed by May 28, 2021 in order to purchase prom tickets. If a senior does not fulfill their Community Service hours, they may not be allowed to participate in SOTA’s prom.
Approved by the School Based Planning Team 2009