In the interest of security and safety, it is essential that students identify themselves at the request of any staff member. When a staff member requests that a student accompany them to a school office, the student must cooperate. Student ID’s are required to ride the buses to and from school. However, a student may be required to present their SOTA ID when asked by a RCSD employee. Please report missing or stolen IDs immediately to the Project Administrator. Your RCSD ID may be used only during regular school hours. ALL FACULTY AND STAFF AND STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO WEAR THEIR SOTA ID AT ALL TIMES.
When class is in session, please keep all doors unlocked. The Fire Marshall has mandated that classroom doors cannot be propped open by any doorstop, rope or object.
When leaving any classroom, please lock the classroom. Make sure windows are closed and locked at the end of the day; secure all personal belongings at all times. NEVER leave keys, purses, wallets, cell phones or valuables unattended!
Teachers should not, for any reason, confiscate any from students that can be deemed disruptive in class (i.e., electronic devices, cell phones, iPods, etc.). Please contact the Academy Office and request an SSO or an Administrator to assist. The Administrator will further investigate the situation.