• SOTA Resource Course Criteria


    Room A423



    Course Objectives:

    ·         Students will receive assistance in meeting their annual goals. 

    ·         Students will receive assistance with organization; study skills; test taking strategies; additional help in all academic areas.

    ·         Students will have the opportunity to build skills in other areas of need by researching topics on educational sites to enhance their academic skills.


    School Wide Expectations:

    ·         All electronic devices are prohibited in all classrooms

    This includes, but is not limited to: cell phones, ear buds, headphones & Ipods

    ·         The SOTA dress code will be strictly enforced

    This includes, but is not limited to: no hats, hoods or bandanas. Please see handbook for more info.

    ·         Disrespect/Disruption to the educational process is prohibited

    This includes, but is not limited to: bullying, profanity, food consumption or personal grooming.


    Classroom Expectations:

    ·         Arrive to class on time (EARLY IS ON TIME!)

    ·         Bring classroom supplies

    o   Pencils/Pens

    o   Homework agenda

    o   Independent reading book

    o   Resource class folder

    ·         Use class time productively

    ·         Keep track of assignments due for all classes

    ·         Take time to organize materials for all classes

    ·         Make appropriate use of educational websites

    ·         Be courteous, be polite, be responsible, and try your best



    • 1st Reminder- Verbal
    • 2nd Reminder- Move the student’s seat
    • 3rd Reminder- Parent contact
    • 4th Reminder- Lunch detention
    • 5th Reminder- After school detention
    • 6th Reminder- Conference with Administrator


    Grading System:

    ·         Grades will be given depending on how productive the student has used their time. Grades will be averaged into a final grade for the marking period.

    o   A         90 to 100%

    o   B         80 to 89%

    o   C         70 to 79%

    o   D         65 to 69%

    o   F          below 64%







    Student signature: _________________________Parent signature: ______________________


    Student Email Address:                                                                                                                     



    Parent/Guardian contact information:




    Phone #:  _________________________ Email: ______________________________________




    Write down three (3) goals that you have for this school year and how you plan to accomplish them.




