• lights


    What is theatre technology and design?
    Imagine, as best you can, all of the things you would see on a stage if you went to a play or a musical.

     Also imagine all of the things you can’t see, but must be there to make the show happen. 

    Now, take away the actors and what they are doing and saying.  Theatre technology and design is everything else.
    The sets, lights, sound, costumes, and props; 
     The crews running everything on stage, at the follow spots,
    in the dressing rooms and in the booth;
    Everyone who built, painted, hung lights, wired microphones or swept the stage;
     The stage manager in the booth calling the cues and helping
    the director run all the rehearsals;  
    All the designers who read the script, think and plan all of
    the wonderful stuff we see on stage;
     And those who plan how to get it all built and gathered there for the audience to see...       

    ...That’s us, that’s theatre technology and design.



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