• Mr. DeMonte's classes 2020-2021

    Technology 7/8 and Math On-Ramp 8


    Always make sure your name is visible in all your Zoom Classes


    Important Dates: 

    Curriculum Night September 19 6:00-8:00

    Parent Teacher Conferences 

    October 12th 5:00-7:00

    November 30th 5:00-7:00

    February 2nd  12:30-2:30

    March 8th 5:00- 7:00    


    Math 8 State Exam May 1-2 


    Technology 7/8 and Math On-Ramp 8 

                                      Reminder: Log into your RCSD student account your student id                                                 "890........"@rcsd121.org and computer or chromebook password.


    Go to your school student account and Google classroom

     to find your Zoom Meeting Links for Attendance, Classwork and


    ....for all Technology 7/8 and Math 8 On ramp Classes