• Upper School

    Upper School (Grades 9-12)
    We're taking a fresh look at the opportunities and challenges that the high school years present, and we're designing a robust school experience designed to help every student graduate ready for college or a career.
    Special Focus on 9th Grade
    With the new Freshman Academy, you'll have your own wing of the building, with extra support; continue extended time devoted to math and literacy; and opportunities to complete four or more high school credits.
    Engaging and Rigorous Curriculum
    A comprehensive program will offer a full range of classes leading to the Regents diploma, including career and technical pathways, as well as more AP and early-college classes. The extended learning day opens up the schedule to allow you to accelerate, take electives, work on credit recovery, and get support when needed. And subjects will be taught in ways that connect schoolwork to your community and future and engage you as an active learner, ready to take charge of your own education.
    Expanded Careers Program
    In-house programs designed to create a pathway to careers will include: Health Related Careers (featuring a new partnership with UR Medicine and the ongoing program in Clinical Optics), Culinary Arts, Information Technology, Advanced Manufacturing, Teaching, and Business. Additionally, you will have access to the full range of BOCES programs.
    Alternative Pathways
    For students who are falling behind, there will be alternative programs available to provide support and focus. East Evening will offer select courses at night to allow for credit recovery and to welcome nontraditional students back to school.