Welcome to our Technical Support Page!We will use this site to post Pre-K resourcesHere are some useful files that you may download:
ELA Scope and Sequence
EPK ELA Scope and Sequence First 30 Days Revisions
EPK ELA Scope and Sequence First 30 Days Revisions.pdf 345.19 KB (Last Modified on October 26, 2017) -
EPK ELA Scope and Sequence Materials List
EPK ELA Scope and Sequence Materials ListUPDATED June 2017.pdf 404.51 KB (Last Modified on October 26, 2017) -
UPK ELA Scope and Sequence Alignment to NYS Pre-K Foundation for the Common Core
ELA__Scope_and_Sequence_Alignment_to_NYS_PreK_FCCLS__blank.pdf 357.51 KB (Last Modified on October 14, 2015)
Math Scope and Sequence
EPK Session 1 Small Group Activities by Content Area
Small Group Activities EPK by Content Area Session 1 revised June 12.xlsx 15.94 KB (Last Modified on November 26, 2017) -
EPK Session 2 Small Group Activities by Content Area
Small Group Activities EPK by Content Area Session 2 revised 10 10 17.xlsx 18.05 KB (Last Modified on November 26, 2017)
Miscellaneous Files
Parent Contact Log
Teachers can use this template to easily keep track of parent contacts. They then need to be put on COMET.
Here are some useful Pre-K links:
Free HighScope Membership
Membership provides:- Extensions, an electronic teacher newsletter- Member News quarterly newsletter- Password access to Members Only pages on website, including Web Clips and back issues of Extensions, links to ReSource articles and quick links to soical media sites. -
New York State Early Learning Guidelines
This resource contains information about how children develop and learn. It also gives ideas for activities.
True North Logic
Formerly known as Generation Ready, this is the RCSD professional development site. EPK and UPK staff use this link to sign up for trainings/workshops.
Miscellaneous Files
Parent Contact Log
Teachers can use this template to easily keep track of parent contacts. They then need to be put on COMET.