Class Hours: 9:15am–3:15pm Program for 3 & 4-year-olds
Program Features
Wraparound Care Availability: No
Transportation Availability: RTS bus pass
Medical/Counseling Services Availability: School nurse and support staff services available
Parent Groups/Supports: Parent Support Staff offers discussions that focus on bridging home and school, and classroombased parent/child activities. Families are welcome in the classroom
Unique Features
Full-day program.
RTS bus pass available for parents in need of transportation to/from the program. Pass is for adult (child rides free).
Participates in school events: Open House, Project Fair, Curriculum Night, Math Fair, assemblies, and Field Day.
Interactive Whiteboard technology in the classroom, computers, and iPads.
Preschool children develop relationships with sixth graders for big brother/big sister monthly activities.
Students take field trips relating to classroom learning.
Home-school connection folders are sent home weekly.