John Williams School No. 5

School No. 46

School Information

  • 555 Plymouth Avenue North, 14608
    (585) 325-2255 ext. 1120

    Principal: Tiffany Lee

    Class Hours:  9:15am–3:15pm
    Program for 4-year-olds

    Program for 4-year-olds  

Program Features

    • Wraparound Care Availability: No
    • Transportation Availability: RTS bus pass
    • Medical/Counseling Services Availability: School nurse
    • Parent Groups/Supports: Pre-K parents are encouraged to join all parent groups at School 5, including the PTO.
    • Parent Support Staff offers discussions that focus on bridging home and school, and classroom-based parent/child activities. Families are welcome in the classroom.

Unique Features

    • Is a full-day program.
    • Offers a multilingual program.
    • RTS bus pass available for parents in need of transportation to/from the program. Pass is for the adult and child rides free.
    • Focus on teaching children school-readiness skills, such being attentive and following directions.
    • Emphasis on pre-reading and pre-math skills, such as rhyming and counting.
    • Access to a Pre-K gym (“muscle room”), which includes bikes, climbers, swings, and basketball hoops.
    • Has Interactive Whiteboard technology in the classroom, computers, and iPads.
    • Children learn how to have positive social interactions, both with adults and with their peers.