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PreKindergarten & Early Childhood
George Mather Forbes School No. 4
John Williams School No. 5
OACES Office of Adult & Career Education Services
Virgil I. Grissom School No. 7
Roberto Clemente School No. 8
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. School No. 9
Anna Murray Douglass Academy School No. 12
The Children's School of Rochester No. 15
Dr. David & Ruth Anderson Academy No. 16
Enrico Fermi School No. 17
Dr. Charles T. Lunsford School No. 19
Abraham Lincoln School No. 22
Francis Parker School No. 23
Nathaniel Hawthorne School No. 25
Henry Hudson School No. 28
Audubon School No. 33
Ida B. Wells-Barnett Elementary School
Pinnacle School No. 35
Abelard Reynolds School No. 42
Mary McLeod Bethune School No. 45
Austin Steward Elementary School No. 46
Helen Barrett Montgomery School No. 50
Frank Fowler Dow School No. 52
Montessori Academy School No. 53
The Flower City School No. 54
World of Inquiry School No. 58
All City High
Early College International High School
East Upper & Lower Schools
Edison Career and Technology High School
Padilla High School at the Franklin Campus
James Monroe High School
Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High School
Northwest Middle School at Douglass Campus
Rochester International Academy
School of the Arts
School Without Walls Commencement Academy
Home / Hospital Instruction
Youth and Justice Programs
Department of Bilingual Education & World Languages
Special Education
School Library System
Student Support Services
Virtual Academy of Rochester
Summer Learning
Dr. Freddie Thomas Middle School
Andrew Langston Middle School
Loretta Johnson Middle School
Thurgood Marshall Middle School
Florence S. Brown PreK Center at School No. 33
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Pre-Kindergarten for 3 year olds
Pre-K Transition to Kindergarten Event | June 9, 2021
Registration Information
2023-24 Locations
Clara Barton School No. 2
George Mather Forbes School No. 4
John Williams School No. 5
Virgil I. Grissom School No. 7
Roberto Clemente School No. 8
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School No. 9
Dr. Walter Cooper Academy School No. 10
Anna Murray-Douglass Academy School No. 12
The Children’s School of Rochester School No. 15
John Walton Spencer School No. 16
Enrico Fermi School No. 17
Dr. Charles T. Lunsford School No. 19
Lincoln School No. 22
Francis Parker School No. 23
Nathaniel Hawthorne School No. 25
Adlai E. Stevenson School No. 29
Florence S. Brown Pre-K at School No. 33
Ida B. Wells-Barnett School No. 34
Pinnacle School No. 35
Andrew J. Townson School No. 39
Abelard Reynolds School No. 42
Mary McLeod Bethune School No. 45
Charles Carroll School No. 46
Helen Barrett Montgomery School No. 50
Frank Fowler Dow School No. 52
Montessori Academy School No. 53
The Flower City School No. 54
RISE Community School No. 106
Rochester Early Childhood Education Center Northeast (RECEC)
ABC Head Start - Clifford Avenue Center
ABC Head Start - Jefferson Avenue Center
ABC Head Start - Joseph Avenue Center
Asbury Day Care Center
Baden Street Settlement - Charles Settlement House
Baden Street Settlement - Clinton Avenue Center
Care-a-Lot Browncroft
Caring and Sharing Child Care Center
Community Child Care Center
The Community Place of Greater Rochester - Carter Street Center
Creative Beginnings Child Care Center - Culver Road
Eastman Community Childcare
Friendship Children’s Center
Generations Child Care Center - Chili Avenue
Generations Child Care Center - Clinton Square
Generations Child Care Center - Empire Boulevard
Generations Child Care Center - Highland Avenue
Happiness House at Golisano Autism Center
IBERO Early Childhood Services
Little Hearts Child Care Center
MCC - Richard M. Guon Child Care Center
Oregon Leopold Day Care Center
Rochester Childfirst Network - South Avenue Center
St. Paul’s Child Care Center
Sunshine Village Childcare - Lee Road
Volunteers of America Children’s Center
2024-25 Locations
Nathaniel Hawthorne School No. 25
Henry Hudson School No. 28
Florence S. Brown Pre-K at School No. 33
Ida B. Wells-Barnett Elementary School
Pinnacle School No. 35
Abelard Reynolds School No. 42
Mary McLeod Bethune School No. 45
Austin Steward Elementary School
Helen Barrett Montgomery School No. 50
Frank Fowler Dow School No. 52
Montessori Academy School No. 53
The Flower City School No. 54
Asbury Day Care Center
ABC Head Start - Clifford Avenue Center
ABC Head Start - Joseph Avenue Center
Baden Street Settlement - Charles Settlement House
Baden Street Settlement - Clinton Avenue Center
Care-a-Lot Browncroft
Caring and Sharing Child Care Center
Community Childcare Center
The Community Place of Greater Rochester - Carter Street Center
Creative Beginnings Child Care Center - Culver Road
Eastman Community Childcare
Friendship Children’s Center
Generations Child Care Center - Chili Avenue
Generations Child Care Center - Clinton Square
Generations Child Care Center - Empire Boulevard
Generations Child Care Center - Highland Avenue
Happiness House at Golisano Autism Center
IBERO Early Childhood Services
Little Hearts Child Care Center
MCC - Richard M. Guon Childcare Center
Oregon Leopold Day Care Center
Rochester Childfirst Network - South Avenue Center
St. Paul’s Child Care Center
Sunshine Village Childcare - Lee Road
Volunteers of America Children’s Center
Florence S. Brown Pre-K Center at School No. 33
Rochester Early Childhood Education Center Northeast (RECEC)
OACES Explorer Pre-K
George Mather Forbes School No. 4
John Williams School No. 5
Virgil I. Grissom School No. 7
Roberto Clemente School No. 8
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School No. 9
Anna Murray-Douglass Academy School No. 12
The Children’s School of Rochester School No. 15
Dr. David and Ruth Anderson School No. 16
Enrico Fermi School No. 17
Dr. Charles T. Lunsford School No. 19
Lincoln School No. 22
Francis Parker School No. 23
Read Our Newsletter
Parent Summer Packet 2018
Parent Power Moments
Links and Resources
Read 1000 Books Campaign
Pre-K in Action Photo Gallery
PreK Parent FAQs
Ackerman, Nicole (Volunteers of America)
Aforismo, Candice (Baden St., Clinton)
Agostinelli, Rita (School # 50)
Allen, Jacqueline (YMCA Metro)
Allen, Theresa (RECEC)
Allison, Nicole (ABC Hart St.)
Andrews, Heidi (Volunteers of America)
Ange, Alyssa (Caring and Sharing)
Angie, Sarah (RECEC)
Aponte, Anthony (School # 22)
Asenato, Melissa (School #22)
Baccari, Abbey (RECEC)
Beale, Chara (#17)
Berends, Felice (Volunteers of America)
Bianchi, Kristy (School # 53)
Bilodeau, Grace (School # 44)
Bonnewell, Danielle (School # 39)
Booth, Kristen (Friendship)
Brewster, Amber (RCN)
Brumaghim, Vanessa (School # 33)
Buttram, Leslie (School # 29)
Cady, Cheryl (School # 34)
Callan, Tanya (St. Paul's)
Campbell, Christopher (RCN)
Cannan, Jean (School # 2)
Canton, Alyssa (Volunteers of America)
Carini, Mari (Community Place)
Carlisi, Robin (School # 53)
Carraway, Delaina (Ibero)
Caswell, Margaret (ABC Joseph)
Chilano, Catherine (School # 39)
Cincebox, Rebecca (School #33)
Clark, Shauna (Generations Empire)
Clifford, Sherry (YMCA Maplewood)
Coleman, Jamie (Head Start Clifford)
Colitti, Wilma (Generations, Chili)
Collins, Chrisann (School # 17)
Cook, Christine (Generations)
Cook, Sidra (ABC Clifford)
Cronmiller, Carolyn (RCN)
Cronmiller, Jennifer (Community Child Care Center)
Cup, Marcie (School # 22)
Decker, Benjamin (VOA)
Degaugh, Donna (School # 43)
Dennis, Kaitlin (Oregon Leopold)
Deutsch, Jennifer (ABC Jefferson)
Devine, Sara (Schhool # 16)
Donato, Mara (YMCA Metro)
Donofrio, Christina (Generations, Highland)
Emblidge, Jill (ABC Joseph)
Escalera, Isabella (Little Hearts)
Fabrizi, Suzanne (Volunteers of America)
Fenner, Jason (RECEC)
Fiore, Frank (School # 44)
Fischer, Erin (RCN)
Follansbee, AnnMarie (ABC Jefferson)
Foster, Sonya (Little Hearts)
Francis, Jill (School # 53)
Frear, Denae (School # 53)
Garbach, Jen (ABC Hart)
Gatti, Angela (RCN)
Gigliotti, Sarah (Generations, Stenson St.)
Giuseppetti, Karen (RCN)
Goodearle, Cynthia (Baden St. Clinton)
Green, Lisa (Friendship Children's Center)
Grennan, Linda (Generations Stenson)
Gross, Shannon (School # 15)
Hackett, Melissa (Baden St., Clinton)
Haglund-Carney, Suzanne (School # 25)
Hansen, Heather (School # 33)
Hanson, Sharon (School # 44)
Harnischfeger (Sharp), Dawn (RCN)
Heerkens, Jenna (School # 45)
Henderson, Joseph (VOA)
Herford, Carol (School # 57)
Herne, Christine (School # 5)
Hightower, Linda (School # 25)
Holborn, Kelly (RECEC)
Hollard, Rachael (School # 41)
Howell, Megan (RCN)
Hurley, Mary (School # 19)
Johnson, Miriam (ABC Hart St)
Johnson, Rachael (Oregon Leopold)
Judd, Karrah (Generations Highland)
Keeley, Martha (Family Resource Center, Peter Castle)
Kenyon, Teri (School # 23)
Kiefer, Debra (School # 08)
Kiesel, Shelley (Baden St., Clinton)
King, Marissa (VOA)
Koumassou, Barthelemy (Hillside SouthWest)
Kuhn, Eve (Little Hearts)
LaBore, Brittany (Friendhsip Children's Center)
Laguer, Rosa (School # 57)
LaRussa, Amy (School # 46)
Levine, Amy (School # 10)
Lewis, Valerie (Caring and Sharing)
Lloyd, Miranda (Volunteers of America)
Lopez, Virgen (Ibero)
Luke, Renee (ABC Head Start Hart)
Lyon, Liz (Special Class AM and PM)
Manning, Chelise (Generations Chili)
Martinez, Myrnali (Ibero)
McGrath, Jennifer (Lakeside Childcare)
McGuinness, Julie (School # 9)
McKinstry, Derinda (School # 7)
Mills, Gina (School # 8)
Moore, Christine (RCN)
Moore, Meredith (RCN)
Mullen, Zenette (School # 29)
Murphy, Sheila (School # 33)
Murty, Dan (School # 8)
Nairy, Denise (School # 17)
Neal, Susan (School # 10)
Newman, Laura (RECEC)
Nichols, Deborah (ABC Head Start Jefferson.
Ontiveros, Leticia (School # 33)
Osborne, Mary Kay (School # 15)
Owen, Cathy (RECEC)
Petkus, Sheryl (School # 57)
Phelps, Apryl (VOA)
Pickett, Amy (School # 33)
Piechota, Amy (School #16)
Prince, Andrea (ABC Headstart -Hart)
Ray, Erin (Friendship Children's Center)
Reichman, Melissa (Community Child Care Center)
Reifenstein, Maryann (ABC Head Start- Clifford)
Richards, Courtney ( Hillside -Peter Castle)
Rickard, Cheryl (MCC)
Rmig, Kady (ABC Head Start- Jefferson)
Robinson, Cynthia (ABC Head Start-Clifford)
Rodriguez, Connie (School # 17)
Roy, Jennifer (IBERO)
Rutkowski, Katie (YMCA Metro)
Rzepka, Erica (School # 45)
Sands, Deana (RECEC)
Sawade, Nicole (VOA)
Scarlata, Tony (RCN)
Scherrer, Kayla (VOA)
Scott, Koren (School # 43)
Scott, Tiffany (Baden Street- Charles House)
Scriven-McFadden, Denise (Creative Beginnings)
Seeley, Cristin (School # 53)
Session, Keyana (RCN)
Shapira, Jessica (School # 8)
Shea, Cindy (Volunteers of America)
Skerrett, Veronica (ABC Head Start-Jefferson)
Slack, Nicole (Baden Street-Clinton)
Slade, Betty (ABC Head Start-Hart)
Smith, Monica ( School # 53)
Sollame, Becky (ABC Head Start-North)
Spencer, Meaghan (School # 33)
Stalnaker, Romona (School # 2)
Stambach, Nicole (VOA)
Stephens, Rosemary (Generations Stenson)
Stocum, Maria (Creative Beginnings)
Stofko, Ellen (RCN)
Sweeney, Julie (RCN)
Switzer, Samantha (ABC Head Start-Joseph)
Tarnowski, Jeanette (School # 19)
Taylor, Precious (ABC Head Start-Jefferson)
Thelen, Elizabeth (YMCA-Lewis)
Titzler, Fran (ABC Head Start-Hart)
Tsvasman, Diana (ABC Head Start- Clifford)
Tubbs, Sarah (Family Resource Center Peter Castle)
Urriola, Teddi (School # 19)
Vaccaro, Lynn (School # 44)
Walters, Terri (Generations Empire)
Whelehan, John (Friendship Children's Center)
Wickman, Rachel (Oregon Leopold)
Williams, Destiny (ABC Head Start North)
Wilson, Sakiyna (RECEC)
Wlowski, Andrea (ABC Head Start-Jefferson)
Wooters, Paula (Asbury Day Care)
Wride, Tara ( School # 53)
Wright, Diane (School # 20)
Yousey, Holley (RCN SpEd)
Yuhas, Barbara (RECEC)
Joyner, Felix (Kreative Kids Zone)
Gamble, Danielle (Kreative Kids Zone)
Yarde, Tiffany (Kreative Kids Zone)
Villanueava, Liliana (Kreative Kids Zone)
Pre-K Support
Programs for 3 and 4-year-olds
Technical Support
Music Building Blocks
Faculty & Staff
COVID Distance Learning Resources
Pre-K Educator Handbook & Forms
Early Childhood Department Supports
HighScope Curriculum Resources
Scope and Sequence Materials
Music Building Blocks & Moving Minds
Special Education Resources
Assessment & Portfolio Resources
Toileting Resources
PreKindergarten & Early Childhood
EPK ELA Scope and Sequence
EPK ELA Scope and Sequence Binder
Updated 2018
EPK ELA Introduction
EPK ELA Introduction.pdf
1.75 MB
(Last Modified on August 18, 2020)
Comments (-1)
Section 1: Session 1, Days 1-30
EPK ELA Session 1 Days 1-30.pdf
852.6 KB
(Last Modified on August 18, 2020)
Comments (-1)
Section 2: Session 2: Days 31-60
EPK ELA Session 2 Days 31-60.pdf
6.64 MB
(Last Modified on August 18, 2020)
Comments (-1)
Section 3: Session 3, Days 61-90
EPK ELA Session 3 Days 61-90.pdf
992.24 KB
(Last Modified on August 18, 2020)
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Section 4: Session 4, Days 91-120
EPK ELA Session 4 Days 91-120.pdf
1.04 MB
(Last Modified on August 18, 2020)
Comments (-1)
Section 5: Session 5, Days 121-150
EPK ELA Session 5 Days 121-150.pdf
831.89 KB
(Last Modified on August 18, 2020)
Comments (-1)
Section 6: Session 6, Days 151-180
EPK ELA Session 6 Days 151-180.pdf
828.13 KB
(Last Modified on August 18, 2020)
Comments (-1)
Section 7: ELA Materials List
Section 7 EPK ELA Materials List.pdf
838.99 KB
(Last Modified on August 18, 2020)
Comments (-1)
Section 8: Binder Updates
Section 8 EPK ELA Binder Updates.pdf
203.56 KB
(Last Modified on August 18, 2020)
Comments (-1)
Section 9: Resources and Booklists
Section 9 Resources and Booklists.pdf
2.79 MB
(Last Modified on August 18, 2020)
Comments (-1)